Monday 4 April 2011



Yes, a MENTAL diet. What thoughts and ideas have you been living on lately?   Given the LAW OF ATTRACTION premise that what we are thinking and feeling is creating our reality, those bitter and critical thoughts become less palatable. Out of the 60,000 odd thoughts most people have each day, most are repetitive and almost unconscious, but all are healping to create 'grooves' in our consciousness. I would certainly prefer my grooves to be delightful spring streams rather than sludgy cesspools!  We have that choice!  
How? Awareness. Awareness of what we are thinking and feeling.
Of course it is healthy to acknowledge thoughts and feelings, no matter what they are, thanks them for 'sharing', and release them into 'the light', or the earth or even ask angels to carry them away. Then,you can  choose a positive 'homing thought' or concept to replace them. Not only does this 'homing thought' act like an anchor and secure point in consciousness, but its feeds positive energy into your system and creates new positive nerve pathways in your brain. Fifty one percent is good!  Out of those 60,000 thoughts, if you can choose 30,001 positive, life-affirming thoughts,you are well on your way to better health, attitudes, relationships and happiness. It only gets better after that!
Like any diet, breaking the old habits is the challenging bit. Usually the best way to do this is to work on creating the new habit. Focusing on the new positive thoughts and feelings adds energy to them, and while you are doing that, the old negative habits begin to whither away naturally. As they say, what you focus on increases.
Be gentle and patient with yourself. If you find yourself in the midst of a negative wallow, no recriminations, just let it go and refocus on the homing thought. It is like getting used to eating food without so much salt. It takes a while to get used to, but once you do, you become aware of so much more flavour and texture, and find that the salty taste is no longer pleasant. And your health improves. Gotta be good! 
What are you thinking and feeling now?  Is it likely to be creating the reality you desire? 
If not....chuck out the junk thoughts.....bring on the fresh organic ones!

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