Wednesday 13 April 2011


(continued from part 3)

I changed jobs and began working as a junior for a stockbroker. In the morning I would walk to the Stock Exchange to collect the contract notes for the day. The energy of the trading floor fascinated me. Yelling, gesticulating, frantic chalking and penciling, the floor covered in scraps of paper. (Not a computer screen in sight!) Millions of dollars changing hands. Red faces and sweat dampened Pelaco shirts. It was almost pre-orgasmic.

One particular morning, after collecting my bundle, I decided to call in on a friend who manned the reception desk of a well-known travel company. The city street was strangely quiet. It actually seemed a little spooky. As I walked up the plush stairs I heard a television! How odd! REALLY odd in 1969. Turning the corner, there was Ann and a couple of staff clustered and focusing.  On the TV was a fuzzy black and white image and the words..."one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind". A human foot had stepped onto the moon!  We watched in complete silence. Civilisation had just shifted gears.

The implications of this mighty adventure stayed with me. It percolated slowly. That night I dreamed I was standing on the Moon watching the Earth rise. I awoke with a start, catching my breath. So vivd! Could I have astral travelled there?  I hoped I had.
My perspective had changed forever. That beautiful blue ball balancing in space. That was my fragile home! And the Earth was definitely not flat! 
( The Flat Earth Society still exists today...scary huh!)
The Earth looked...exquisite...I could not find words. What a mystery...who are we strange creatures running amok in such ignorant arrogance? Awed, sad, elated, frightened, angry, inspired, motivated. So many feelings! 
And then, The Presence really took the wheel! An 'inspiration', for want of a better description, came into my awareness....
"To stand in the place of an observer as one on the bank of a river...not being swept up in the tides and eddys....watching.... allowing the currents to be what they will...enjoying the beauty and drama yet maintaining your place...the planet is like a grain of sand in that river..."
Whoa! Whoa! on two counts. The content of the 'inspiration', and, the fact that I 'heard' it. Oh man! Not hearing voices now am I!

Something was changing inside me somewhere. There was an urge to....I couldn't name urge to...FIND I went looking. I went looking in some very beautiful, and some very dodgy places!

(continued in Part Five)


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